Resident Evil vs. Silent Hill - Which Horror Game Series is Better

March 15, 2022

Resident Evil vs. Silent Hill - Which Horror Game Series is Better?

Horror games are the perfect way to get your adrenaline pumping, and two of the most iconic horror game series are Resident Evil (RE) and Silent Hill (SH). Both these game franchises have managed to captivate audiences and can make your heart race with their spine-tingling horror elements. But, which franchise is better? Let’s compare the two games and find out!


RE is an action-packed game with a focus on survival horror, whereas SH is more about psychological horror, with a focus on exploration and puzzle-solving. The gameplay of RE is fast-paced and action-packed, while SH relies more on building suspense and dread to scare its players.

In terms of sales, RE has sold more copies, with sales over 120 million, while SH has sold only a little over 10 million copies. RE games are known for their tight controls, but SH games offer more variety in gameplay.


Both franchises have complex storylines that involve biological horrors, mutations, and supernatural elements. However, the RE games follow a more linear story pattern, with each game continuing from where the previous one left off. Meanwhile, SH games have a shared universe, but they can be played in any order, as they have standalone plots.

RE has a diverse cast of characters, all of which have recurring roles in many of the games. SH, on the other hand, has isolated characters and a new protagonist in every game. The characters in RE are often portrayed as action heroes, while the characters in SH are more realistic.


RE has always been known for pushing the boundaries of graphic design in horror games. The latest installment of the RE series, Resident Evil Village, has raised the bar by featuring photorealistic environments and characters. SH games have often struggled with graphics since they began way back in 1999. However, the graphics in the latest SH game, Silent Hill: Downpour, are incredibly impressive.


Both Resident Evil and Silent Hill have their strengths and weaknesses, but it is difficult to say definitively which one is better. RE is known for its action-packed gameplay and well-crafted storyline, while SH offers more variety in gameplay and focuses on psychological horror. If you’re a fan of action-packed horror, then RE is the game for you. If you’re more into atmospheric horror and psychological horror, then SH will be more your speed.


  1. Resident Evil: A Horror Legend. A Brief Comprehensive Study of Resident Evil’s History (n.d.). Biohazard Declassified.
  2. Silent Hill History & Retrospective (2014). VGSources.

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